Issue Position: Economic Growth

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Missouri workers are facing unprecedented challenges. The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated existing flaws in our economy, leaving thousands unemployed or under-employed. Hard-working Missourians continue to struggle to find jobs in this economy and an understanding of their struggle motivates me to support legislation that addresses both the short-term and long-term jobs problem.

To help grow our economy, we must:

-Fund infrastructure projects. Missouri's aging infrastructure results in major losses to our economy. It's also a matter of keeping people safe.

-Invest in higher education. Missouri's two- and four-year colleges have suffered major cuts over subsequent years. There is no way that Missouri can remain competitive without adequately funding our higher education institutions.

-Foster programs that support entrepreneurship, research, technology and innovation. We should strive to create an environment in Missouri that is the most entrepreneurial in the country.

-Respect workers and support legislation that protects their rights to request fair wages and good working conditions. A strong middle class is key to bettering Missouri, and we must guarantee that we put policies in place that protect and grow the middle class.

-Support those hit the hardest by COVID-19. The small businesses and workers that make our Missouri communities special are threatened by the current economic climate. We must provide them with relief until a return to normalcy is possible.

I understand the need to approach the budget in a sensible way. Funds are not limitless, and taxpayers deserve responsible use of their money. But as our legislature determines its budget, it is worthwhile to prioritize programs that stimulate economic growth in the short-term and guarantee a better Missouri in the future.
