Issue Position: The Economy and Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Kevin believes that small business is the driving force for new jobs. Kevin is a small businessman; he knows firsthand the cost of unnecessary and burdensome regulations. The state must get rid of unnecessary and burdensome regulations that prevent small businesses from growing.

When small businesses thrive, local communities thrive.

The state economic development strategic fund makes grants to companies to encourage job growth. It has been effectively used particularly for large employers but we need to dedicate a portion of that fund each year for small and medium size businesses.

While we need new jobs and expansion, we must be concerned with keeping good paying jobs here. One such problem we faced in Dover during this year's session.

Our business tax system unfairly affected certain companies with substantial employees here in Delaware that were ready to move if not corrected.

Unfortunately, the formula we use to calculate certain business taxes is not competitive with our surrounding states. I supported the change in the formula to keep those jobs in Delaware.

We are facing serious consequences with mergers like DuPont and Johnson Controls. Jobs and companies that have been part of the historic fabric of Delaware are changing. Their decisions affect the individual lives of our neighbors and friends who are suddenly without work. But, they also affect all of us because they change the job stability of Delaware.

​The announcements of these mergers and their downsizing in Delaware are a wake up call. We must act decisively to attract new jobs that reflect the changing economy.
