Issue Position: Property Taxes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Taxes

Working families are struggling to make ends meet, only to be met with higher property taxes each year.
Our children can't afford to buy their first houses because of astronomical mortgage payments that are fueled by property taxes. For too long, politicians have passed the bill to property taxpayers and regular Mainers are paying the price.

Mainers need and deserve property tax relief. That's why lowering property taxes has remained at the top of my agenda in Augusta. And I'm proud to report that we've made some real progress.

In the past year, we provided $130 million in property tax relief to hardworking Mainers, seniors and small businesses.

This is just the beginning. Mainers deserve a tax system that's fair for everyone, not one that favors the wealthy elite. In Augusta, I'll keep pushing for a tax system that gives working families a fair shake.
