Congressman Antonio Delgado Earns 100% on Food Policy Action Score Card

Date: Oct. 9, 2020
Location: Monticello, NY

WASHINGTON, DC --This week, Food Policy Action and the Environmental Working Group Action Fund released scorecards for Members of Congress based on their work around food safety and affordability. Rep. Delgado has earned a 100% or perfect score for his legislative record and leadership on nutrition and farm policy.

"Here in the richest nation in the world, millions of American families go hungry every day, and the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly exacerbated food insecurity across our region. Last week, I voted for an updated version of the Heroes Act, and for the original Heroes Act in in May. Both bills include vital measures to support our local farmers and feed families in our community during this global health crisis. Congress has a duty to promote the general welfare, and we must help keep producers in our area afloat, and support those struggling with hunger throughout the district," said Rep. Delgado, member of the House Committee on Agriculture. "I am proud to earn a perfect score on the Food Policy Action and Environmental Working Group Action Fund Scorecard. I will continue fighting for access to nutrition assistance and championing the needs of the most vulnerable among us."

"Few members of Congress have worked harder than Rep. Delgado when it comes to helping Americans struggling with hunger, protecting food and farm workers, and confronting the growing economic crisis among our family farms and independent restaurants," said Scott Faber, senior vice president for government affairs for EWG Action Fund. "Thanks to the leadership of Rep. Delgado, Congress is making these critical food and farm policy issues a priority."

As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, Rep. Delgado has worked address food insecurity and support family farmers across upstate. August 2020 marked the one year anniversary of President Trump signing Rep. Delgado's bipartisan Family Farmer Relief Act into law.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Rep. Delgado successfully led a bipartisan effort to make farmers eligible for Small Business Administration loans and grants under the CARES Act and secured $9 billion to support local food systems and the creation of USDA's Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. In August, Rep. Delgado introduced the Helping America's Farmers Act, which would create a new Agriculture Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (AEIDL) run by USDA to give farmers access to capital with flexible and favorable loan terms that fit their businesses.
