Inslee statement on first wildfire fatality


Date: Sept. 10, 2020

Gov. Jay Inslee released a statement today following the death of a one-year-old in the Cold Springs Fire in Okanogan County. The death marks the Washington's first casualty of the 2020 wildfires.

"Trudi and I were heartbroken to hear about the loss of this child in the wildfires that have ravaged our state.

"There is nothing I can say that can ease the pain from a loss of this magnitude. This child's family and community will never be the same. And neither will countless others who are reeling from the utter devastation these wildfires are leaving in their wake.

"I send my deepest condolences to the family and friends of this child and am keeping their parents in my mind as they work toward recovery in intensive care."

For resources and guidance related to wildfires, please visit the Washington State Department of Natural Resources website.
