Governor Parson Orders Capitol Dome Lighted Purple to Commemorate 100th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage


Date: Aug. 26, 2020
Location: Jefferson City, MO

Missouri Governor Mike Parson has ordered the Missouri State Capitol dome to shine purple beginning on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, in honor of women's suffrage.

"The ratification of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote marked a major turning point for America," Governor Parson said. "Today, we remember the dedication of the strong women who overcame obstacles to secure this right and honor the contributions all women have made to every aspect of our development as a nation."

"Today we celebrated the induction of Annie White Baxter into the Hall of Famous Missourians, the first female county clerk in the nation," Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft said. "The right to vote is a great privilege, and we have an important election in November. This serves as a great reminder of the importance of making your voice heard on Election Day."

The dome will light up at sunset today and remain lit until sunrise Thursday to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and women's constitutional right to vote. Pictures will be available on Governor Parson's Flickr page.

The Women's Suffrage Centennial Commission is coordinating with hundreds of buildings and landmarks across the country to light up purple and gold for this once-in-a-lifetime campaign named in honor of the historic suffrage slogan, "Forward through the Darkness, Forward into Light." Due to technical reasons, the Missouri State Capitol dome may only be lit one color, and purple was selected.

Citizens are encouraged to share pictures of the Capitol lighting on social media using #ForwardIntoLight.
