Issue Position: Lower Taxes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Taxes

Skyrocketing taxes are the main driver of the extremely high cost of living in California. Democrats in Sacramento have imposed the nation's highest state sales tax, and highest individual state income tax, and the highest gas tax in the country. Now, despite record state revenue totals and budget surpluses law makers are attacking the only protection against out of control taxes we have left -- Prop 13. The proposed split roll initiative would target new taxes on small businesses by increasing their property taxes, and is just a first step towards completely repealing Prop 13. We must stand up against these non-stop tax increases on our families and business to reign in the ever-increasing cost of living in our great state. In the State Senate I will oppose any changes to Prop 13 and fight to lower our skyrocketing taxes.
