Issue Position: Fighting to expand LGBTQ rights in California!

Issue Position

For Senator Glazer, protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community is a core personal value and a top legislative priority (more photos). Senator Glazer:

Voted for the Safe and Supportive Schools Act to provide teachers resources and tools to assist LGBTQ students who are facing harassment and lack of acceptance in school. (AB 493)
Voted for PrEP and PEP Access Expansion to reduce barriers to access HIV preventive medications. (SB 159)
Voted for Bias-Free Child Custody Determination to forbid discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity when granting custody of a child. (SB 495)
Voted to allow transgender individuals to update marriage, birth and other legal documents to accurately reflect their legal name and gender. (SB 741)
Voted to streamline the importation of donor medical history for families of donor-conceived children. (AB 785)
Voted for LGTBQ Young People Non-Discrimination Act which was co-sponsored by Equality California and L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey. (SB 145)
Voted to ensure all educational agencies updated transgender student records to accurately reflect their legal name and gender. (AB 711)
Voted to forbid state agencies from acquiring goods or services from a contractor who discriminates based on gender identity. (SB 703)
Voted to protect the parental rights of infertile and/or same-sex couples who employed a surrogate to birth their children. (AB 2349)
Voted to create an LGBT Seniors Bill of Rights to protect LGBT residents of long-term care facilities. (SB 219)
Voted to extend the California Health Youth Act which requires comprehensive sexual health education for all public middle and high school students. (AB 2601
Voted to expand the Unruh Civil Rights Act and allow victims of gender violence based on their gender identity to seek damages and redress from responsible parties. (AB 830)
Voted to require state agencies to collect data based on sexual orientation and gender identity in addition to race and ethnicity. (AB 959)
Voted to restrict travel by state employees to states that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. (AB 1887)
Voted to require private universities in California to disclose policies that discriminate against transgender employees or students. (SB 1146)
Vote to authorize inmate housing according to gender identity. (SB 132)
Voted to prohibit Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) in sexual assault, harassment or discrimination cases. (SB 820)
Voted to recognize Non-Binary as an official legal gender. (SB 179)
