Issue Position: Save Lives

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Keeping us safe is the first and most important responsibility of the government. This pandemic has made more clear than ever the weaknesses in our public health system. And it has exacerbated an already unconscionable environment of senseless gun violence and domestic abuse. As your Representative, Ann will:

Listen to the public health experts and follow the science.
Expand Medicaid, providing access to health care for over one million currently uninsured Texans and bringing home over $100 billion of our federal tax dollars to support our hospitals as they grapple with this pandemic.
Dedicate state funding to ensure all Texans, regardless of their insurance status, can access a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it is available.
Pass common sense gun safety reforms. Ann stands with Moms Demand Action in their support of basic protections such as universal background checks, extreme risk protection orders, and safe storage requirements.
