Issue Position: Public Lands

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Our public lands and open spaces are perhaps one of the most cherished qualities of New Mexico. Our residents know the importance of protecting them, not only for physical and emotional health, but also for enhancing the quality of life for the communities that surround them. I have had the incredible honor of successfully making the economic argument for protected public lands through my work in the creation of the Organ Mountain-Desert Peaks National Monument. By creating ways for communities and businesses to demonstrate the economic impact of public lands, Las Cruces is now a leader in the country as implementing innovative and thoughtful strategies to demonstrate investment in their public lands. Within urban communities, there are spaces that have been created through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, like parks and playgrounds, baseball and soccer fields, and essential river ecosystems. In addition to my work on National Monuments, highlighting the urban spaces that enhance the living experience of our residents has been truly satisfying. Because of these efforts, both for public spaces and public lands, I have had incredible experiences talking with lawmakers at the local, state, and national level, demonstrating the economic impact these places have on communities. As Senator, I will continue to protect these spaces, support the efforts for more equitable access for communities of color and those without financial means, and develop resources for communities to benefit from the tourism potential for the outdoors.
