Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Our economy was built by hard-working Hoosiers. Their families need the strong collective voice that organized labor provides. Over the last several years, the Indiana General Assembly has enacted laws to weaken unions. The results are telling. Indiana is ranked 38th in the nation in per capita income. In addition, Indiana has a wide gender wage gap -- the difference between what men and women earn -- that ranks us 42nd in the nation. Today the Coronavirus pandemic is taking an additional toll on Indiana's economy and Indiana's working families. Clearly, Indiana doesn't need simply more jobs; we need better-paying jobs that enable all workers to support themselves and their families. Attracting such jobs requires a well-educated workforce, so we must support public education from pre-K to college. It also requires that economic development strategies recognize the importance of quality of place to compete for today's young workers. To ensure that working people earn sustainable wages, we must raise the minimum wage and protect the rights of workers to organize.
