Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

"While out knocking on doors, I met a woman who can't afford to pay for her prescription medication on top of her rent and food. No one should have to face those kinds of choices. We must do more to bring down the cost of healthcare for all Coloradans, because access to affordable healthcare is a right. As someone who has suffered from asthma throughout my life, the fight over coverage of preexisting conditions is a personal one. No matter what happens in Washington, I will fight to keep that protection here in Colorado."

Cosponsored a bill to create a reinsurance program that has already cut costs on the individual market by 18%.

Cosponsored legislation to study the feasibility and impacts of creating a Medicaid buy-in option.

Increased funding for opioid and substance abuse programs across the state.

Cosponsored legislation that will provide a tenfold increase in residential and inpatient substance abuse treatment through Medicaid coverage, mostly by drawing down federal funds.

Cosponsored legislation to bring more transparency to prescription drug pricing.

Increase preventative care by finding creative ways to connect doctors with patients.

Investigate whether joining together with other Western states could allow for a reasonably-priced Medicare- or Medicaid-style public buy-in option.

Remove barriers to telemedicine so that all parts of our state have access to the high quality healthcare and specialists they need.
