Issue Position: Climate and Energy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

The economic, moral, and environmental ramifications of climate change are not just something we read about anymore--they're now something we experience on an all-too-regular basis in Boulder County and throughout our state. Whether it's a 100-year flood that leaves utter destruction in its wake, forest fires which threaten habitats and residents' homes, the Pine Beetle epidemic, or a shortage of snowpack, climate change is a problem that requires aggressive intervention by our government to solve.

As your Senator I have:

Sponsored & passed the largest overhaul of oil and gas regulations in over 60 years. We ensure that regulators are considering the health and safety of Coloradans first, and gave local governments much more control over what is happening in their backyards.
Sponsored & passed legislation to expand the use of renewable energy and to account for the social cost of carbon in utility planning.
Supported & passed the most aggressive carbon emission reduction goals in the country.
Sponsored legislation to expand individual customers' ability to store energy on their property.
