Issue Position: Pro-Trump

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

We have a small window of the next four plus years to set our Country on a solid foundation to overcome the growing socialist mindset that is becoming prevalent in Washington Politics today. This is where you and I come in -- this is our future and we need to stand up to Keep America Great.

We have to see the bigger picture!

I believe the very foundation of our society has become brittle since they took the bible and prayer out of our schools in 1962- 1963. As a result, ACT scores have plummeted, kids aren't learning the difference between right and wrong … which leads to bad behaviors. We are seeing an increase in domestic violence, poor parenting, poor handling of finances, and last, but not least - the use of drugs and alcohol to help us deal with our day to day lives. The Holy Bible gives us a sound doctrine of standards to live by.

There are forces in our country today who want to change the United States into an Islamic state with its Sharia Law.

Other countries are letting themselves get overrun with migrants, and as a result, their history, culture and social systems are being destroyed. The sad part is that the people don't even see what's happening, since it is gradually changing.

We must keep OUR Country strong. Only after we have this will we be able to help other countries with THEIR problems.
