Issue Position: Affordable Healthcare and Economic Opportunity

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Healthcare and economic opportunities must be available to every single person in our State.

I will fight to expand Medicaid in North Carolina so that no matter what your income, or where you live, you will have access to affordable health insurance. We have paid billions in federal taxes to watch other states expand access to healthcare and its time we bring that money back home, to help lower ALL of our healthcare costs.

Additionally, we must ensure that everyone in our state has the opportunity to succeed. The biggest threat to our democracy is a lack of economic mobility. We know that for our prosperity to be sustainable, everyone must buy in. But right now, too many of our families are being left behind. By investing in our communities, we can make sure that everyone has access to the exceptional growth our state has experienced the past decades, and a means to achieve the American Dream.
