Issue Position: Infrastructure

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Infrastructure

Growth in the 68th District and the Rockford area as a whole is tied to our infrastructure and local development projects. Like I mentioned in the Jobs and Economy section, the Rockford area is in a prime location, but our roads and other infrastructure have to be able to handle the increase in traffic that comes with attracting new businesses. Here are my ideas:

Expand the Airport: We have to continue expanding our capacity at the airport. The airport is one our best engines for economic growth and we need to support it however we can. I want to secure additional funding for expansion of our airport facilities. This would include hangars, repair facilities, and any other relevant infrastructure. Expanding our cargo capacity will create permanent jobs and the construction work will support temporary but good paying jobs. It's a common sense goal for our community.
Finally Make Commuter Rail a Reality: I want to continue to secure money for a commuter rail line to Chicago. Last year money was allocated for a feasibility study to locate potential routes and to estimate the cost of the project. Once this is done, and provided that the study determines that such a route is economically viable, I would work to get additional money from the state to help support the project. I would also want to explore grants and other aid to help offset some of the costs. Beyond the construction jobs, this opens up new suburban and Chicago markets for our residents to potentially work in. More economic connectivity is good for our community.
Support our Casino: I fully support the Rockford casino. It will bring much needed jobs and revenue to the area that will help support our local infrastructure and initiatives. If it has not been approved by the time I am elected, I will do everything I can to get the project approved by the state gambling board.
Fix our Roads: The final point here is that our local roads need to be able to handle any economic growth that we experience. I want to work with IDOT and any other relevant agencies to make sure our state roads here are well maintained. I also want to explore additional resources to help with local road maintenance. Roads are expensive, and if I can save taxpayer dollars I am going to do it.
