Issue Position: Gun Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Guns

As a Texan, citizen, sportsman and Peace Officer, I am a strong proponent of the people's right to bear arms, as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. I will oppose any effort to undermine a citizen's lawful possession of firearms in this state. Gun violence has been on the forefront of the news, mass killings, gang wars.The liberal left blames it on the gun. I say that we address gun violence by vigorously enforcing the laws we have on the books and further enhance penalties in any crime committed with a gun. Taking away the guns of lawful citizens to satisfy a liberal agenda while coddling the criminals is not good public policy or law. I will fight for our right to bear arms and will work to insure that Texas vigorously prosecutes those who engage in criminal activity against us with a gun.
