Issue Position: Restore Career & Technology Training in Public Schools

Issue Position

A university degree is not the only way to succeed. But it seems like that has been the message and policy forced upon our public schools by Austin bureaucrats. I disagree. We need to refocus on career and technology training in public schools now! Students need skills training that will motivate them to be productive and earn a living. The skilled trades offer great opportunity and great rewards. Learning to turn a wrench, might turn a life around. Culinary skills might spark a career. University degrees remain an option later in life, and should be the first goal for many. But too many students are going to college and aimlessly pursuing a degree that doesn't turn into a job. They spend 5 or 6 years in college and pile up student loan debt that takes decades to repay. Restoring vocational training to a respected level in our public schools is one of my primary goals. Learning to work and to earn a living should be taught at much earlier ages. Let's expose our students to more learning options. Give them a reason not to drop out of school and to stay motivated to learn, and to earn. Letting students try, fail, and succeed in a safe and structured environment will save them money in the future, and be a better use of our tax money now.
