Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Immigration

An unprotected border is a clear threat to our national security. Millions of illegal immigrants enter our country without our knowledge or consent; many end up here in eastern North Carolina.

I understand that this country was built upon immigrants that journeyed to America to seek opportunity and a better life. But taxpaying citizens must not be forced to pay for welfare, medical care and higher education for those who choose to enter the country illegally. Furthermore, those immigrants who migrated legally should not be punished by granting illegal immigrants amnesty. I do not support amnesty.

I believe true reform to our immigration system is needed - not confusing lip service as we have seen in the past. I support making English the official language. I also support reforming guest worker programs, such as the H2 programs, that many agribusinesses use, so that employers have workers they need for the job.
