Issue Position: Reproductive Health Act

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Reproduction

After months of hard work and dedication by many organizations and individuals, the Reproductive Health Act passed the General Assembly. This bill was a priority for Representative Williams, and it truly made history.

The vote did not come easily. It was the result of unprecedented advocacy efforts throughout Illinois -- from the dedicated women who donned the handmaid's robe and traveled to the Capitol week after week, to the relentless work of organizations like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Men4Choice and Personal PAC, to the thousands of individuals who contacted their representatives and urged their friends and family to do the same.

The result is that for the first time, Illinois women will have an affirmative, foundational right to abortion, birth control, and maternal care -- regardless of the status of Roe v. Wade. The bill will ensure that reproductive health care is treated like any other form of healthcare. Illinois is setting an example. We won't go back.

To watch Representative Williams' remarks on the House floor in support of the Reproductive Health Act, please follow this link.
