Issue Position: Capital Funding for Infrastructure and Schools

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Infrastructure

For the first time in years, the General Assembly came together to craft a capital bill to provide much needed funding for neglected infrastructure needs. From roads and bridges to neighborhood schools, universities and hospitals, this bipartisan legislation provides $45 billion for public works construction programs, with $33.2 billion going to roads and bridges, and $3.5 billion dedicated to improving our local schools. Remaining funds will be divided between environmental conservation projects, deployment of broadband internet, healthcare and human services facilities, etc. Here in the 11th District, nine schools will receive funding for much needed repairs and construction projects. Additionally, the local YMCA will receive revenue for various renovations.
For the first time ever, there will also be dedicated funding for walking and biking projects as well as sustainable funding for public transit. Affordable housing was also an important part of the capital bill. The capital bill was the result of a bipartisan deal which will be funded through gaming taxes as well as hikes in the gas tax and cigarette tax.
