Scalise on Scotus' Failure to Protect Innocent Life


Date: June 29, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) released the following statement after today's U.S. Supreme Court ruling on June Medical Services v. Russo:

"I'm extremely disappointed in the United States Supreme Court's flawed decision to strike down Louisiana's law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at local hospitals when emergencies arise. In yet another activist decision by the courts, the Supreme Court's ruling overruled a law that was passed with a strong bipartisan coalition, ripping away basic safety standards for women that will put the lives of even more women at risk.

"Today's deadly ruling is a major step backwards in the ability for states to protect the health and safety of their citizens. We've seen cases of women who die at abortion clinics because the staff aren't prepared to properly care for them in an emergency, and now the Supreme Court denied states the ability to safely protect those women and their unborn babies.

"Although this decision is a major step backwards in the fight to protect innocent life, now is not the time to back down, and, in fact, today's decision reminds us how much work we still have to do in our efforts to protect the unborn and defend the sanctity of life. We will not back down or relent. The march continues."
