U.S. Senator Joni Ernst Endorses David Young

Press Release

Date: Dec. 19, 2019
Location: Van Meter, IA

Van Meter, IA - Today, David Young, candidate for Congress, announces the
endorsement of Sen. Joni Ernst in the race for the Third Congressional District

"Since David and I were elected in 2014, I've witnessed first-hand his work ethic
and dedication to our neighbors and folks all over the Third District," said Ernst.
"We need David back in Congress, fighting for the issues Iowans are concerned
about -- trade, health care, border security, reducing the scope of government
and giving the people more freedom to conduct their lives and businesses, and
more. As a combat veteran, I appreciate David's strong voice and proven record
when it comes to caring for our veterans. But, his efforts don't stop there. As a
sixth generation Iowan, David is also a strong advocate for our rural communities
and ag industry and has successfully championed bills that protect our nation's
food supply and keep our rural communities connected. David is someone who
gets things done, and we need more actions like these that lead to results for

David Young thanked Sen. Ernst for her endorsement. "Sen. Ernst has been on the
front line in the Senate fighting for Iowans since she was sworn in, and it is an
honor to receive her endorsement. I look forward to not only being on the ticket
and campaigning with her over the next year, but also working with her again in
our nation's capital serving the people of Iowa."

David Young was elected to serve the Third Congressional District in the U.S.
House of Representatives in 2014 and reelected in 2016. Prior to his service in
Congress, Young served Iowans as U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley's Chief of Staff
from 2006-2013. A graduate of Johnston High School and Drake University, Young
is a sixth generation Iowan and resides in Van Meter.
