"This Is No CARES Act. It's Careless."


Congressman Greg Gianforte (R-Mont.) reacted this evening after the U.S. House of Representatives passed Speaker Nancy Pelosi's partisan $3 trillion bill, H.R. 6800.

"Republicans and Democrats worked together with President Trump on previous measures to support the American people during the COVID-19 outbreak. We worked together on the CARES Act to help American workers, families, small businesses, and health care providers. That didn't happen with Nancy Pelosi's partisan, $3 trillion, 1,800-page liberal wish list. Montanans shouldn't pay for the property taxes of coastal elites in high-tax states. The federal government shouldn't send rebate checks to illegal immigrants. And Montana businesses, desperate to reopen, shouldn't have to compete with expansive unemployment benefits that run through next spring. This is no CARES Act. It's careless," Gianforte said.
