*UPDATED - Indiana Stay-At-Home Order FAQ


Date: April 6, 2020
Location: Indianapolis, IN

Governor Eric J. Holcomb Monday extended the order requiring Hoosiers to remain in their homes except when they are at work or for permitted activities, such as taking care of others, obtaining necessary supplies, and for health and safety. Below are frequently asked questions about the order and their answers.

When does this updated Stay-at-Home Order take effect?

This new Stay-At-Home Order, Executive Order, 20-18, takes effect Monday, April 6 at 11:59 p.m. ET. To allow retail, campgrounds and other establishments to make adjustments, enforcement will not begin until 24 hours after the order takes effect.

When does this order end?

This new order ends on Monday, April 20, at 11:59 p.m. ET, but could be extended if the outbreak warrants it.

Where does this amended order apply?

This amended Stay-At-Home Order applies to the entire state of Indiana. Unless you work for an essential business or are doing an essential activity, you must stay home.

Is this mandatory or a recommendation?

This order is mandatory. For the safety of all Hoosiers, people must stay home and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Is this new Stay-At-Home order different from the previous one issued on March 23rd?

Yes, the new Executive Order 20-18 changes some of the provisions of first Stay-at-Home Order, Executive Order 20-08. In addition to extending the order an additional two-week period through April 20th, it provides additional details about essential businesses and operational activities in the retail sector, more specific enforcement mechanisms, social distancing information, and closure of campgrounds statewide to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

How can I tell what's been changed from the previous Stay-At-Home order issued March 23rd?

The changes are shown, throughout this new order, by using italics to highlight them.

Can I travel to and stay at a campground in Indiana?

This new Executive Order 20-18 closes all campgrounds located in Indiana. People at campgrounds who reside in recreational vehicles (RVs) and cabins and have no other place of residence may remain at the campground.

How will this new order be enforced?

Staying home is critical to reducing the spread of COVID-19 in your community. Adhering to this order will save lives, and it is the responsibility of every Hoosier to do their part. However, if this new order is not followed, the Indiana State Department of Health and the Enforcement Response Team created by the executive order can take action against businesses.

First, a verbal warning will be given. If the business fails to comply with the verbal warning, the Indiana State Department of Health may issue a cease and desist letter.

If the business continues to operate, the Indiana State Department of Health can order the business to close. The business will be reported to the Secretary of State and to any relevant licensing, permitting, or certifying board, commission or other entity, and the business could lose its operating license or permit. Additionally, if an order to close a business is issued, a local prosecuting attorney may file charges for violating the executive order issued under Indiana's Emergency Disaster Law.

Reports of suspected violations can be filed with IOSHA by clicking on this link: https://www.in.gov/dol/3144.htm

What is the penalty under Indiana's Emergency Disaster Law?

A knowing violation of an executive order issued pursuant to Indiana's Emergency Disaster Law is a class B misdemeanor, punishable up to 180 days incarceration and a fine of up to $1,000.

Who will enforce this new order?

The Indiana State Department of Health will work with the Indiana Alcohol & Tobacco Commission when issuing warnings, citations or orders to close nonessential businesses that remain open. Essential businesses can also face warnings, citations or orders to close for violations of social distancing and sanitation requirements.

What is an essential activity?

Essential activities include activities needed for sustenance, necessities of life, health, education, or employment, and as necessary to take care of others while applying social distancing requirements.

Are there any changes to essential businesses in this new Executive Order 20-18?

Yes. Retail businesses that are providing the necessities of life may remain open to the public under the following conditions:

They must limit the number of customers in their facility at any given time to ensure customers remain at least six feet apart as required by the CDC's required social distancing guidelines.
They must limit hours of operation and should consider implementing separate operating hours for the elderly and vulnerable customers.
They must comply with social distancing and sanitation of applicable areas and other mitigation measures to protect employees and the public.

Retail businesses that provide necessities of life include: grocery stores, supermarkets, supercenters or mass merchandizers (provided they have a sizable food/grocery section), specialty food stores, certified farmer's markets, farm and produce stands, convenience stores and gas stations, pharmacies, auto sales, auto supply, auto maintenance and repair, farm equipment, construction equipment, bicycle shops, hardware and supply stores, office supply stores, club stores (i.e., Costco, Sam's Club), building material and supplies stores (i.e., Lowe's, Menards, Home Depot).

All other retail businesses not providing the necessities of life, as described above, may remain open only under the following conditions:

Sales must be restricted to online or call-in ordering with delivery or curbside pickup.
Businesses must comply with social distancing and sanitation of applicable areas and other mitigation measures to protect its employees and the public.

Does this mean more businesses can be open compared to the previous Executive Order 20-08?

No, this provides greater clarity about the businesses than can be open, as well as specific conditions and restrictions that may apply to them.

I work for an essential business. Will I be allowed to travel to and from work?

Yes. Law enforcement will not be stopping drivers on their way to and from work, traveling for an essential activity such as going to the grocery store, or just taking a walk.

Do I need a letter from my employer in order to drive to and from work?

No. You do not need a letter from your employer.

I need to get my driver's license renewed and/or apply for a CDL license for work. Is the BMV open?

Hoosiers can still complete various BMV transactions online through myBMV, calling the contact center, or return items via USPS mail. Expiration dates on all state-issued licenses and registrations are extended. All late fees and credit card transactions fees are waived for 60 days from the implementation of Executive Order 20-05 on March 19.

Six Bureau of Motor Vehicles branches are open by appointment only to process new Commercial Learner's Permits (CLP), new Commercial Driver's Licenses (CDL), and upgrade/downgrade for the CDL to add the tank vehicle or hazardous materials endorsement credential transactions. These branches are opening for appointments to support the current critical need to increase the number of new licensed commercial truck drivers on the road delivering supplies and to aid in the start of agricultural season in our state. Click here to learn more: https://www.in.gov/bmv/files/pr-clp-cdl-appointment-only-hours.pdf

Can I still order take out/delivery from restaurants and bars?

Yes, restaurants and bars can continue to provide takeout and delivery, but should be closed to dine-in patrons.

Can I get my online items delivered?

Yes, you can still receive packages, get groceries delivered, and get meals delivered.

How can I get medical care?

If you develop symptoms such as fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or have recently traveled from an area with ongoing spread of COVID-19, stay home and call your healthcare provider.

If you suspect you have COVID-19, please call the healthcare provider in advance so that proper precautions can be taken to limit further transmission. Older patients and individuals who have severe underlying medical conditions or are immunocompromised should contact their healthcare provider early, even if their illness is mild.

If you have severe symptoms, such as persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, or bluish lips or face, contact your healthcare provider or emergency room and seek care immediately, but please call in advance if possible. Your doctor will determine if you have signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and whether you should be tested.

Can I see my dentist, optometrist, or dermatologist?

Nonessential medical care such as eye exams and teeth-cleaning should be postponed. When possible, health care visits should be done remotely. Contact your health care provider to see what telehealth services they provide.

What is the guidance for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities?

State-operated developmental centers, intermediate care facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities and community integrated living arrangements will continue to provide care. All in-home direct care staff are considered essential staff and should continue to support individuals in the home setting.

If you have specific questions about your support and services, reach out to your provider or individual service coordination agency.

What if I still have to go to work?

You should stay home unless your work is an essential function. If you have been designated essential by your employer, you should continue to go to work and practice social distancing.

What if I think my business should be closed, but they're still asking me to report to work?

Essential businesses will remain open during the stay-at-home order to provide services that are vital to the lives of Hoosiers. If you believe your business is nonessential but still are being asked to show up to work, you may discuss it with your employer.

Businesses/employers must follow social distancing and sanitation requirements as outlined in the executive order and other safety measures established by the U.S. Department of Labor. Hoosiers concerned about their workplace safety can file a complaint with IOSHA by clicking on this link: https://www.in.gov/dol/3144.htm

Do essential businesses have to take steps to protect their employees?

Yes. Essential businesses and operations shall comply with social distancing requirements established by the CDC, including maintaining six-foot social distancing for both employees and members of the general public at all times, and must utilize or employ other CDC recommended sanitation measures such as washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands), regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces, and not shaking hands.

I cannot find my business on the essential business list. What do I do?

If an employer has questions regarding the essential business designation, call the Critical Industries Hotline at 877-820-0890 or email covidresponse@iedc.in.gov

If my employment has been interrupted or ended due to COVID-19, should I file for unemployment?

Yes, you should file online by visiting Unemployment.IN.gov and your claim will be evaluated.

Answers to frequently asked questions and instructions to file for COVID-19-related unemployment are available at Unemployment.IN.gov.

Call volumes are extremely high, so you are encouraged use visit Unemployment.IN.gov first for guidance. If you don't find the information you're seeking on the website, reach the Indiana Department of Workforce Development unemployment contact center via the following methods:

Webchat: http://www.in.gov/dwd/webchat.htm
Email: AskUIContactCenter@dwd.in.gov
Phone: 800-891-6499

Will public transportation, ride-sharing and taxis continue?

Public transportation, ride-sharing and taxis should only be used for essential travel.

Will roads in Indiana be closed?

No, the roads will remain open. You should only travel if it is for your health or essential work.

Can I still take a plane out of Indiana?

Planes and other types of transportation may be used for essential travel.

What if my home is not a safe environment?

If it is not safe for you to remain home, you are able and encouraged to find another safe place to stay during this order. Please reach out so someone can help. You can call the domestic violence hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or your local law enforcement.

What about homeless people who cannot stay at home?

The administration wants to protect the health and safety of all Hoosiers, regardless of where they live. State agencies are partnering with community organizations to ensure the homeless population has safe shelter.

Can I visit friends and family?

For your safety, as well as the safety of all Hoosiers, you should remain at home to help fight the spread of COVID-19. You may visit family members who need medical or other essential assistance, such as ensuring

an adequate food supply.

Can I walk my dog or go to the veterinarian?

You are allowed to walk your dog and seek essential medical care for your pet should they require it. Practice social distancing while out on walks, maintaining at least 6 feet from other neighbors and their pets.

Can I go outside to exercise or visit a park?

State parks remain open, but campgrounds, welcome centers, inns, cabins and other buildings are closed. Families can go outside and take a walk, run, ride a bike, go fishing or boating, but they should continue to practice social distancing by remaining 6 feet away from other people.

Playgrounds are closed because they pose a high risk of increasing spreading the virus. Gyms, fitness centers and associated facilities are also closed to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Can I attend a religious service?

CDC guidance restricts gatherings, including religious services, to ten or less people to slow the spread of COVID-19. Religious leaders are encouraged to continue livestreaming services while practicing social distancing with one another.

Can I attend a funeral service?

CDC guidance restricts gatherings, including funeral services, to ten or less people to slow the spread of COVID-19. If there are less than ten (10) people, social distancing of at least 6 feet away from other people must be followed.

Can I go to the hair salon, spa, nail salon, tanning salon, tattoo parlor, or barber shop?

No, these businesses are ordered closed.

Can I leave my home to do laundry?

Yes, Laundromats, dry cleaners and laundry service providers are considered essential businesses.

Can I take my child to daycare?

Yes, daycares are considered an essential business.

Can I pick up meals at my child's school?

Yes, schools that provide free food services to students will continue on a pickup and take-home basis.
