Tweet - "The COVID-19 global health pandemic is an unprecedented crisis -- we must work together to support our fellow Americans and the economy. The Take Responsibility for Workers & Families Act is bold legislation to uplift the American people through this crisis."

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"The COVID-19 global health pandemic is an unprecedented crisis -- we must work together to support our fellow Americans and the economy.

The Take Responsibility for Workers & Families Act is bold legislation to uplift the American people through this crisis.

Among many provisions, this legislation will bolster our health care system, support frontline workers, & put money back in the pockets of the American people.

If we are going to invest in our economy, we must invest in working families that will get us through this moment.

Here's how:

Rightwards arrow$1500 for every individual & up to $7500 for a family of five

Rightwards arrow$600/week in additional unemployment compensation for affected workers

Rightwards arrow$500B+ in grants and no-interest loans for small businesses

Rightwards arrow$60B for schools and universities.

This legislation also includes improved paid leave and family medical leave so families can stay home to stay healthy, while also ensuring food security for vulnerable families through investments in SNAP.

No person should go without food during this pandemic.

Many local, Tribal, & state governments are stepping up to protect their citizens. This bill establishes $200B for local and state governments to continue essential services and stabilize their finances. The COVID-19 crisis requires an all-hands-on-deck approach to keep us safe.

To ensure that our elections continue to take place -- even in the case of an emergency -- we must ensure that every American has 15 days of early voting and absentee vote-by-mail.

No crisis should prevent Americans from making their voice heard in our democracy."

