Congressman Cohen Addresses Anti-Semitism at Helsinki Commission Meeting in Vienna


Date: Feb. 21, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09), a senior member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) appointed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, today spoke against anti-Semitism at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's Winter meeting in Vienna, Austria. The CSCE is also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission.

In his remarks, Congressman Cohen said:

"Jews have often been like the canary in the mine. Anti-Semitism is an indicator of deeper problems in our society. Jews have been taught to speak out about discrimination against others. At Passover, we celebrate our freedom from bondage in Egypt and we're taught to remember all people in bondage…We all share the same planet for a limited period of time and we should understand that and embrace each other as human beings. Until we do that, there will continue to be anti-Semitism…

"We need to teach Holocaust history -- a fourth of the people of Europe, or more, don't understand or remember. And teach it so that the most horrific crime against humanity will be remembered so it will not be repeated."
