Democrats Reject $46M in Funding for Public Schools


Date: Dec. 13, 2019
Location: Concord, NH
Issues: Education

Today, after Democrats on the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee voted to REJECT $46 million in federal funds to benefit New Hampshire schools, including $10 million over this biennium alone, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement:

"I am sickened by today's vote, and the democrats must explain to every single student why they rejected an unprecedented $46M grant for public schools," said Governor Chris Sununu. "For a party that claims to care about public education, their actions today make clear that they will always stand with special interests over the wellbeing of our students. I would like to thank the hundreds of kids who made the trip to Concord today to advocate for what they believed in -- the right thing to do is always worth fighting for."

Note: There are currently over 1,300 New Hampshire students on waiting lists to get into public charter schools. New Hampshire was awarded the largest grant in the Country, with Alabama receiving the next largest amount at $25 million. As the Union Leader reports, the $46 million grant would focus on "at risk students and help extend the best practices that exist in high quality charter schools to all 28 [public charter schools] in the state."

Democrats on the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee voted to REJECT $46 million in federal funds to benefit New Hampshire schools, including $10 million over this biennium
