Governor Lamont Congratulates Congress on Final Passage of Legislation Extending Family Medical Leave for Federal Employees

Press Release

Date: Dec. 17, 2019
Location: Hartford, CT
Issues: Family

Governor Ned Lamont is applauding the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives for giving final passage to legislation that will extend paid parental leave for federal employees, saying this is a good step forward in the effort to ensure that workers across the country have the ability to care for a newborn or adopted child.

In June, Governor Lamont signed legislation enacting an historic paid family and medical leave program for all workers in Connecticut, including private sector employees. Only seven other states and the District of Columbia have similar programs.

"People working full-time jobs should not have to choose between going to work or taking time off to care for a new baby or recover from an illness," Governor Lamont said. "Here in Connecticut, I campaigned, advocated, and proudly put my signature onto a law that will enact a program ensuring these protections are in place for all workers -- including those in the private sector. The fact that Congress is moving forward on this for federal employees is a big deal as more and more people across the country begin to realize that this is simply the right thing to do. The next step is to expand this program further to emulate Connecticut's model and provide these protections for all workers. I specifically want to note the contribution of Connecticut's Congressional delegation in working to get this passed, and in particular the leadership of Congresswoman DeLauro, who continues to be a fighting champion for working families."
