Recognizing James Watkins for the 2019 Montana Congressional Veteran Commendation

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 18, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans


Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize James Watkins of Dillon for the Montana Congressional Veteran Commendation for his service to his country and his community. Mr. Watkins served in both the United States Air Force and Montana Army National Guard, serving a combined 22 years. Mr. Watkins received multiple commendations during his service, including the Army Commendation Medal. Mr. Watkins has been a member of the American Legion Post 20 since 1968 and served in various capacities. Every year, he coordinated the placement of American Flags on the graves of veterans on Memorial Day. Part of this project was his work locating and arranging the headstones for all veterans in Dillon Mountain View Cemetery. In addition, Mr. Watkins makes, maintains, and places the white crosses for the Montana American Legion White Cross Highway Fatality Marker Program in Beaverhead County. I ask my colleagues to join me today in commending James Watkins of Dillon for his dedication and service to his country and community.

