Recognizing Harold Riensche for the 2019 Montana Congressional Veteran Commendation

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 18, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans


Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Harold Riensche Senior of Reed Point, a recipient of the 2019 Montana Congressional Veteran Commendation for his service to his country and leadership in his community. Mr. Riensche is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He is a Vietnam veteran who served in the 3rd Tank Battalion, 3rd Marine Division earning awards like the Navy Cross, and attaining the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant. During the Vietnam War, Mr. Riensche and his crew were assigned to recover a disabled tank. During this mission, their vehicle detonated a mine. While repairing their vehicle, the Marines came under heavy fire. In an instant, two of Staff Sergeant Riensche's crew were killed and two others were wounded leaving him alone to defend his injured crew and damaged vehicle. With the help of a few grenades and unmatched bravery, Mr. Riensche was able to fight off the Northern Vietnamese soldiers by himself until backup arrived. His quick action and heroism saved the lives of his two fellow Marines. After completing his military service, Mr. Riensche served as a member of the Stillwater County Weed control Board and President of the local community landowner's association. His friends and neighbors say Mr. Riensche never hesitates to help when asked upon. I ask my colleagues to join me today in commending Harold Riensche Senior for his dedication and service.

