Recognizing Justin Madill for the 2019 Montana Congressional Veteran Commendation

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 13, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans


Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Justin Madill of Great Falls, a recipient of the 2019 Montana Congressional Veteran Commendation for his service to his country and leadership in his community. Dr. Madill served in the United States Army from 2004 to 2013 as a member of the medical corps attaining the rank of Major. He is a veteran of the 101st Combat Aviation Bridge for Operation Enduring Freedom where he earned the Air Medal with Valor Device, the Bronze Star, and the Meritorious Service Medal. While serving in Afghanistan during the Battle of Want, Dr. Madill extracted the wounded Staff Seargent General Ryan Pitts on July 13, 2008. Staff Seargent General Pitts was later the recipient of the Medal of Honor for his actions. Dr. Madill was a guest of the President of the United States at the Medal of Honor ceremony. Since returning to Montana, Dr. Madill works as an emergency physician in Great Falls where he's delivered care to thousands of Montanans. He continues to create special bonds with his patients both veteran and non-veteran where he receives numerous thank you cards for his care and compassion. I ask my colleagues to join me today in commending Justin Madill for his dedication and service.

