Recognizing Karen Semple for the 2019 Montana Congressional Veteran Commendation

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 14, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans


Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Karen Semple of Montana City for the Montana Congressional Veteran Commendation for her service and dedication to her community. Ms. Semple served in the United States Air Force for almost a decade. Ms. Semple received multiple commendations during her time in the Air Force and continued to serve her community when she returned home. Ms. Semple has served her community as a chaplain for various veteran groups and fire departments. In her role with the American Legion, she has led training for other chaplains to have the tools necessary to minister to veterans with moral injury, PTSD, and suicide ideation. In addition, Ms. Semple serves as a volunteer firefighter, and the American Legion of Montana Disaster Emergency Response Coordinator. I ask my colleagues to join me today in commending Karen Semple for her dedication and service to her community.

