Holcomb Statement on Hulman & Company Announcement


Date: Nov. 4, 2019
Location: Indianapolis, IN

Governor Eric J. Holcomb offered the following statement on announcement of the Hulman & Company's intended sale to the Penske Corporation.

"The biggest single day sporting event on planet earth is about to get even bigger and better. I couldn't be more excited about the future of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway with "The Captain' Roger Penske at the helm.

"Mr. Penske's vision, team and high expectations will ensure Indiana's most iconic asset continues to grow. Along with IndyCar, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway forms the core of an entire racing industry that employs thousands of people and pumps hundreds of millions of dollars into our economy.

"As a racing fan, my excitement is only equaled by my appreciation for the longtime Hulman George commitment to the past and future of the sport of racing and to our great state."
