Issue Position: Emerging Opportunity for Our Residents

Issue Position

I believe the answers to many of the issues we face lie within our own communities. That said, I believe more can be done at the state level to make our region more business-friendly. Our youth deserve a healthy economy so they too may have the opportunity to raise a family in this special place, and it's up to us to make that happen. A good public servant puts the needs of their residents first and fights to ensure new opportunities for local families. If elected, I will work to remove burdensome regulations that stand in the way of our local progress.

It was while working for Senator Paul that I learned just how detrimental government overreach and unnecessary regulation can be to our families and businesses, stifling new opportunity. I will bring that experience to Frankfort and work to fight against any attempted government overreach that would kill jobs, our Kentucky values, or hurt District 18 families.
