Norton Says President's Actions Seem Determined to Lead Him to Impeachment


Date: Sept. 25, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) released the following statement after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that the House of Representatives will formally enter impeachment proceedings for President Donald Trump.

"Impeachment is perhaps the most serious matter Congress can undertake in our separation of powers government with independent branches. I called for an impeachment inquiry in July following the testimony of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in order to obtain the full, unredacted Mueller Report and other information needed to decide if articles of impeachment are warranted. However, the President's recent attempt to secure the intervention of the head of a foreign nation to investigate his rival for the presidency has taken the impeachment inquiry to a new level where impeachment appears unavoidable. I am a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, one of the six committees that is conducting the inquiry. Allowing the committees to proceed simultaneously should reduce the time needed to decide on articles of impeachment.

"At the same time, it has been less than a week since our historic hearing on statehood for the District of Columbia. As we prepare to bring H.R. 51 to the House floor, we cannot help but be reminded that 700,000 District residents will have no vote on impeachment, despite paying the highest federal taxes per capita to fund the federal government. Fortunately, I am a voting senior member one of the committees that will participate in the inquiry. That is far from sufficient, but I intend to make full use of my participation in the impeachment inquiry."
