Governor Lamont Statement on First Meeting of the Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance Authority


Date: Oct. 3, 2019
Location: Hartford, CT

Governor Ned Lamont released the following statement regarding the first meeting of the board of directors of the recently formed Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance Authority, which is responsible for establishing and administering Connecticut's recently adopted paid family medical leave program. The program is targeted to begin in 2022 and will provide workers in Connecticut with access to the necessary benefits that will allow them to take time off work when they need to care for their own health, a newborn child, or a sick family member.

"This marks the first step in the process toward providing the hard-working people of our state with the ability to maintain a job while handling the difficulties of life that every single person inevitably has to deal with at one time or another," Governor Lamont said. "This program will not only benefit workers, but it will provide small businesses who cannot afford robust medical leave policies of their own with the ability to do right by their workforce. By joining the growing list of states that are establishing insurance programs such as this, we are making Connecticut an even stronger place to live, work, and do business."

The group is meeting at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, October 4, in Plaza Conference Rooms C & D of the Grasso-Fauliso State Office Building at 450 Columbus Boulevard in Hartford.
