Issue Position: Traffic and Infrastructure

Issue Position

We are spending too many hours on the roads and away from our families. Whether it's the high tolls on the Dulles Greenway or the congestion on I-66, Rt. 50, Rt. 7, Rt. 28, Rt 15, Loudoun County Parkway, and so many other roads in Northern Virginia, the traffic has been a disaster for so many people in our community. Roads are not properly maintained, our toll costs are rising, and traffic has worsened over the years.

Solving our traffic problems requires a comprehensive approach that starts with creating jobs here so we don't have to commute, getting our fair share of infrastructure funding from Richmond so that more of our state tax dollars are spent in Loudoun and Prince William, and developing responsibly so that we are not outgrowing our existing infrastructure. I will also advocate for additional funding to widen existing roads to keep up with growth around the district. I regularly see the accidents caused by poor traffic planning.

I also oppose any and all tolls in Northern Virginia, especially those like the Dulles Greenway and on I-66. Significantly reducing the tolls on the Dulles Greenway will require a long-term strategy that involves reducing our reliance on toll roads and raising revenue for if and when a partial or full buyback of the toll road becomes possible. Again, we also need funding from the state to widen, maintain, and improve existing roads.

Finally, let's attract employers and create high-paying jobs in Loudoun and Prince William Counties so that we don't have to commute to other places to make a living. This means encouraging the construction of more office space, malls and retail in areas like South Riding rather than putting more pressure on our traffic instructure with more crowded residential units.
