Issue Position: Expanding Equality For All Virginians

Issue Position

LGBTQ Equality

Virginia has failed to recognize or protect the equal rights of LGBTQ individuals in our state for too long. We remain one of only a few states where it is perfectly legal to be fired from a job, refused on a rental application or loan, or refused services because of your sexuality or gender identity. This cruel and backwards approach is disrespectful to the spirit of equality enshrined by the 14th Amendment, harms LGBTQ families and people directly, and dissuades entrepreneurs and students from coming to our state and bringing opportunities with them. I have fought and will continue to fight for laws to protect all our citizens from discrimination.

Women's Equality

Virginia had a chance to put itself on the right side of history last year by ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment, and it squandered that opportunity. I was proud to push for the ratification of the ERA, and I will do so again. Even without the Equal Rights Amendment, pay discrimination, pregnancy and motherhood penalties in the workplace, sexual harassment, and everything down to unfair taxes on health products all burden women in our Commonwealth unfairly. I will advocate for laws to mitigate these unfair penalties, which deny women their equal human rights and professional opportunities.

Restorative Justice

Virginia has a long and ugly history of racial oppression, disenfranchisement, discrimination, and dispossession. Our communities of color have been denied everything from fair housing loans to schooling to even graveyard maintenance. I will advocate for restorative justice policies in areas ranging from policing reform to small business aid in order to make Virginia a place of equity and opportunity for those who it has harmed for generations - and often continues to harm through policy choices in the present.
