Issue Position: Public Safety/ Human Trafficking

Issue Position

Public Safety/Human Trafficking

We enjoy one of the lowest crime rates of any major metropolitan area in the nation. Let's keep it that way! I am proud to support those who protect us every day -- our police, firefighters, and emergency personnel. In 2010 I was named the Virginia Professional Fire Fighters "Legislator of the Year."

One of Virginia's greatest threats to public safety is distracted driving. Distracted driving now rivals drunk driving when it comes to the number of deaths on our roadways. I support efforts to make Virginia a "hands-free" state and to provide our police the resources they need to keep the traveling public safe. I have also patroned or co-patron several successful efforts to strengthen Virginia's public safety laws. Some of these efforts included:

Strengthening the ability of our law enforcement agencies to combat child exploitation and human trafficking (HB1200 and HB2061)
Protecting our children from sex offenders by requiring offenders to register their email addresses and/or screen names (HB 2749) and by creating mandatory-minimum sentences for the production and distribution of child pornography (HB2755).
Making the practice of texting and driving a primary offense and increasing penalties (HB1883).
