24 Days and No Republican Budget Counteroffer

Press Release

Date: Aug. 1, 2019
Location: Raleigh, NC

Twenty-four days ago, Governor Roy Cooper shared a balanced, responsible compromise offer on the state budget with Republican leaders in the General Assembly. Twenty-four days have now gone by without a counteroffer from those Republican leaders.

In the meantime, legislators are wasting time and taxpayer dollars. This week, House Republicans took up few bills and the Senate didn't convene at all. Legislators need to do their jobs and submit a counter offer.

Where is the Republican counteroffer?

It appears as though Republican leaders are still prioritizing power politics and a veto override for which they do not have the votes instead of sitting down for honest negotiations with Governor Cooper.

Gov. Cooper's compromise offer would close the health care coverage gap, raise teacher pay, cut taxes for people and guarantee school construction while balancing the budget and saving money in the Rainy Day Fund.
