Where Is the GOP Budget Counteroffer?

Press Release

Date: July 18, 2019
Location: Raleigh, NC

Ten days ago, Governor Roy Cooper and Democratic leaders offered a balanced compromise proposal to break through the current state budget impasse. The offer would close the health care coverage gap, raise teacher pay, cut taxes for people and guarantee school construction while balancing the budget and saving money in the Rainy Day Fund. It also included all the local projects that were in the Republican legislative budget.

Ten days later, Governor Cooper and Democratic leaders have yet to hear any substantive response from Republican leaders.

Where is the Republican counter proposal?

"Governor Cooper and Democratic leaders offered a serious, good faith and balanced proposal to begin negotiations, but more than a week later, Republican leaders have still not engaged in negotiations," said Cooper spokeswoman Sadie Weiner. "The ball is in the Republicans' court, and they should stop trying to bribe Democrats to override the Governor's veto and submit their counter proposal."

Republicans are demanding that access to health care be taken off the table as a pre-condition to negotiate. Governor Cooper has offered a comprehensive response to the Republican budget, while Republican leaders continue to sound a one-note rejection. Although Cooper has not issued an ultimatum on any issue, Republican leaders continue to insist that he has. Instead of negotiating, Republican leaders have spent their time recklessly and irresponsibly auctioning off the headquarters for the Department of Health and Human Services, cynically risking vital jobs and services, to any Democrat who will join them to override the Governor's budget veto.

"Republicans do not have the votes to override this veto, and with each passing day they are disrespecting North Carolinians who voted for more balance in government. They are running out of fig leaves to hide their true intentions," said Weiner.
