Tinian Divert $75m in House Ndaa

Press Release

On Friday, the House passed H.R. 2500, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 with $75 million for divert airfield projects on Tinian. The money is part of a larger authorization of $316 million that will be used over several years -- $109 million for a parking apron, $98 million for phase one of the airfield development, and $109 million for fuel tanks with a pipeline/hydrant system. The Armed Services Committee believes the Air Force can spend $25 million for each project in FY20. This year's $733 billion Defense bill also increases pay for service members by 3.1 percent and improves housing and other contributors to quality of life at military bases around the world. Approved NDAA amendments I offered or cosponsored this year include:

An amendment to ensure that qualified students holding or expecting to receive their associate degree, including those at Northern Marianas College, can apply for the new Technology and National Security Fellowship program just like their counterparts at four-year and graduate schools.
Amendments to improve benefits and services to veterans through better accountability measures and coordination between the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.
An amendment extending to the Marianas a provision in law that allows federal agencies to double the value of a contract awarded to a Puerto Rico business for purposes of the small business contracting goals.
An amendment urging the United States to promptly begin negotiations on the renewal of the expiring Compacts of Free Association with the Marshall Islands, Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia.
