McConnell on Fox Business' "Mornings with Maria' with Maria Bartiromo

Press Release

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Fox Business Channel's "Mornings with Maria" with Maria Bartiromo today to discuss the Democrats' socialist agenda, ongoing budget negotiations, the humanitarian crisis at our southern border, and the minimum wage debate. See below for highlights or click here to watch.

On the Democrats' socialist agenda:

"Well, look [the president] is right about the "The Squad' wanting to go turn us into a socialist country. What he should have added however, is it's a lot broader, than just four of them. You know the Speaker, the Democratic Leader of the Senate, and a whole lot of others, including the presidential candidates have all signed up for things like the Green New Deal--which will take away your job and Medicare-For-All which would take away your private health insurance. And in order to make any efforts to pay for that, Maria, they have to go after the top 10% of tax payers in America because that's where 70% of the revenue for the federal government comes from, which would slow the economy down.

"I think the president is onto something. We are having a big debate now and next year, about what we want America to be like. Do we really think socialism applies here at a time of great prosperity? 50-year low unemployment. That's what the election I think is going to be about."

On budget negotiations:

"Of the unpleasant alternatives we have in reaching an agreement with a very liberal House of Representatives, getting a caps deal between the president and the Speaker is the best option. It prevents chaos, multiple potentials for shutdowns and defaults and all the rest. So I'm hoping that the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Speaker--representing the president and the democratic majority in the House--can come together on an agreement that we can all lock arms and support, because it will give us a chance to run the government in an orderly fashion for the next year and a half."

On the crisis at the border:

"I am amazed that we have had as much difficulty, as we have had in getting our Democratic colleagues to do anything about the obvious crisis at the border. Just as an example a couple weeks ago we passed a border supplemental that was just for humanitarian relief, it didn't deal with wall and didn't deal with other issues that are important, which the Speaker almost couldn't get that through the House. And all the people that the president was talking about last night -- "The Squad' wouldn't even vote for humanitarian relief.

"But it also makes you ask what created the crisis? There are deficiencies in our asylum laws that allow this buildup to occur that need to be changed by statute. We have not gotten any cooperation at all, in fact, it would be safe to say the president has had more cooperation out of the Mexicans than he has out of Democrats in Congress about dealing with the crisis at the border."

On the minimum wage debate:

"It would cost, according to the Congressional Budget Office between one and three million jobs lost…That's how hot the economy is. This would depress the economy at a time of economic boom, we're not going to be doing that in the Senate."
