Daines: Montanans Don't Want DC Bureaucrats Telling Them What's Best for their Students

Press Release

Date: June 10, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Steve Daines reintroduced the Academic Partnerships Lead Us to Success Act (A-PLUS Act), a bill that would give Montanans more say over how their tax dollars are spent on education.

"Montana's students deserve the best education our schools can give them," Daines said. "Montana educators and administrators know what their students need to succeed better than DC bureaucrats. That's why I introduced this bill to expand local control of our schools so we can return federal education dollars back where they belong -- closer to the classroom."

Elsie Arntzen, Montana State Superintendent of Public Instruction, supports Daines' bill stating, "In Montana, we know that parents and local communities best understand the educational needs of their students. Education should not be driven by a top-down approach from the federal government. I want to thank Senator Daines for sponsoring the A-Plus Act in Congress which will give local schools flexibility to better serve their students."

The A-PLUS Act would give states greater flexibility in allocating federal education funding and helping academic achievement. The A-PLUS Act would reduce the administrative and compliance burdens on state and local education agencies, and ensure greater public transparency about the use of federal education funds and student academic achievement.

Under the A-PLUS Act, states would be allowed to obtain federal education funding in the form of block grants. States could choose to participate or they could continue to administer their education programs in the current manner.
