Rep. Hill: Republicans Support Preserving Protections for Those with Preexisting Conditions

Press Release

Date: May 9, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Fixing our broken healthcare system continues to be one of the top priorities I hear about from Arkansans. Let's get something straight once and for all: Republicans support preserving protections for those with preexisting conditions. Anyone saying otherwise is not being honest. One of the very first votes in Congress this year was on a Republican measure to lock in protections for patients with preexisting conditions. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected this measure.

Instead of proposing bipartisan solutions that will decrease costs, increase access, and encourage competition--Speaker Pelosi decided to play partisan, political games today by bringing a flawed bill, with a fake name, to the House floor for a vote, the Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act. This dishonest bill title is attempting to distract Americans from the truth: Obamacare is not working.

Here is what Speaker Pelosi and her leadership team doesn't want you to know: Since the introduction of Obamacare, numerous states have suffered from massive premium increases, declining enrollment, and reduced insurer participation. To help these states, President Trump issued new guidance in 2018 (called Section 1332 guidance) that allows states to apply for a waiver from some of the most burdensome requirements under Obamacare. However, preexisting condition protections CANNOT be waived under the Section 1332 guidance. Preexisting conditions are protected by law. Don't take my word for it, CMS Administrator Seema Verma has been extremely clear that coverage for people with preexisting conditions cannot be waived. Section 1332 waivers have had great success, allowing eight states to pursue innovative new strategies for providing their residents with access to high quality, affordable health insurance while keeping important patient protections.

Speaker Pelosi's bill revokes the Section 1332 guidance, stripping away the flexibility states need to promote market stability and provide more affordable healthcare coverage. The bill literally has nothing to do with protecting Americans with preexisting conditions which is why I am voting against it. Don't get tricked into falling for this political stunt.

Arkansans are tired of the toxic political games. Instead of voting on bills with fake titles that won't ever become law, I'm focused on fixing the problem.
