Extending Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program and Related Programs

Floor Speech

Date: June 3, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. 2940, to extend the authorization for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program and the Child Care Entitlements to States program through the end of the 2019 fiscal year. This legislation will ensure that families in my district continue to have access to the important financial and social support offered by these programs.

We know that low-income workers face significant hurdles to economic security. TANF is a critical tool for making sure that these families can afford basic necessities like food, housing, and medicine. In fact, over 11,000 families in Alabama currently receive assistance from TANF, and more than 20,000 children benefit from this important program.

This bill will make sure that TANF recipients in Alabama receive the $23.25 million that is expected to be allocated to the State in the coming months.

This legislation also extends the Child Care Entitlement to States program, an important tool as we fight to make sure all parents can have access to affordable, quality childcare. Childcare is one of the largest expenses facing families, and the matching funds included in this program are important to support low-income workers and their children.

I am pleased that this bill will unlock $10.2 million of funding for childcare in Alabama to help meet the needs of children and families in my district.

While I strongly support this bill, it should be noted that no one thinks that this short-term extension of these programs is the perfect solution. But it is critical that we maintain funding and provide continuity for working families and children who depend upon TANF and childcare grant funding.

It is my hope that we will continue to explore ideas to improve these programs, including increasing funding levels for childcare support grants and identifying ways that these programs can more effectively help families in need.

I ask my colleagues to join us in supporting this short-term extension of TANF and childcare entitlement programs, and I ask that they support this bill going forward.

