Gov. Reynolds signs historic education funding bills

Date: Feb. 19, 2019
Location: Des Moines, IA
Issues: K-12 Education

Today, Gov. Kim Reynolds signed HF 306 and HF 307, historic preK-12 education funding at the Iowa State Capitol surrounded by education advocates and students from North Polk Community Schools. HF 306 and HF 307 were the first bills Gov. Reynolds signed this year.

Watch the bill signing on Facebook here.

"This new education funding helps us get our young people ready for the challenges of a 21st century economy," said Gov. Reynolds. "I commend lawmakers for their quick action on school funding this session, which will help school districts prepare for the next school year. Education is and will remain a top priority for my administration."

HF 306 and HF 307 adds nearly $90 million in new money for preK-12 and it amounts to $19 million for transportation equity funding and $2.9 for per pupil funding. With this new legislation signed into law, the state of Iowa has invested $845 million of new money in preK-12 education since 2011.

Governor Reynolds was joined today by 5th grade students from North Polk Community Schools, their teacher Addison Mart and Superintendent Dan Mart.
