Issue Position: Our Heroes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Veterans

Watching my son graduate from Marine boot camp was the proudest, yet most ambiguous time of my life. I was leaving my son in the care of the USMC at a time when the Obama administration was gutting our military, eliminating benefits and the VA hospitals neglect came to light in the media, I was not confident leaving my son behind -- not knowing if his country would take care of him as much as he was volunteering to take care of his country.

We must fight for and respect our men and women in uniform at all times, even when they perish. These selfless men and women should be honored by lowering our flags under all casualty circumstances whether it be terrorist attacks or tragic training exercises -- within the US -- that take the lives of our heroes. I am an advocate for changing protocols that prohibit immediate lowering of the flags for our veterans who are killed at home and abroad.
