Issue Position: Infrastructure and Roads

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2018

Our roads can be fixed without taxing you more. We already pay enough.

Michigan's infrastructure will soon face another crisis despite the tax increase passed against our will. We are sending Lansing more than enough money to maintain our roads. The problem is, we are not appropriating enough of this tax money dedicated to roads only. Additionally, we are currently using antiquated road building methods that may be cheaper in the short run but are more expensive in the long run. Our Department of Transportation needs new leadership that will be willing to use the new road technology to save us hundreds of millions in the future. We also need to get the federal government out of the way. In 2012, Michigan taxpayers sent just over 1 billion dollars to Washington DC. The federal government removed just over $200 million to pay for their bureaucracy and sent us back only $823 million. That is a bad deal. I estimate that in order to fund a future of stable infrastructure maintenance, future legislators will need to find a way to get another billion dollars into the Road Fund. I will never go to the voters for another tax or fee increase. We are sending Lansing more than enough money. Get this money from the 56 billion we are already sending to Lansing. Michigan families are taxed out. Michigan families have been forced to tighten their belts and I know Michigan government can do the same. We pay enough taxes. I will find ways to cut government waste before we ask our citizens for more hard-earned tax dollars.
